Bloodshot Rising Spirit #2 review: I’m seeing a pattern here…

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You know how a TV show starts up and then you watch this reality play out for 30 minutes, taking you in, making you invested, and making you curious about the story? Then at the 30 minute mark, POOF! — it was all a dream, none of what just happened was real, it meant nothing. It doesn’t work on TV or in movies, it only angrs the viewer. Well, it angers the reader of a comic book too.

Bloodshot Rising Spirit #2 starts out with yet another identity having been implanted into Bloodshot. Yet again, this is only a fake implant wasting pages of spaces and it means nothing. One panel with a scientist saying, “We’ve implanted him X times, maybe we should try something else,” would suffice. Get on with the story already!

Bloodshot Rising Spirit #2

On top of that, you get science talk that makes you wonder if the writer, Kevin Grevioux,  actually consulted someone for this information, or is just making it up because the average reader isn’t going to check it. I’m not going to check it but I do know that speech balloon after speech balloon was filled with it.

Technically, this issue and the last issue could be edited down into 1 issue if you take out all of the filler fake flashbacks and pages of science talk. No one reads bloodshot to get the “how and why” of the nanites. One reads Bloodshot to see him going all Rambo on the enemy.

The “finishes” by Ryan Winn and Oliver Borges (I’m assuming finishes means art, inks, and coloring now???) is fine. Oh look, Bloodshot with no hair… queue the Vin Diesel in the Bloodshot movie (releasing 2020) tie in. That seems to be what this book is, an entry level intro to the character, created long before the movie, and it isn’t very interesting.

Wrap up

Skip this series. Go back and read any of the past series from Jeff Lemire and just spare yourself the boredom here.

Last Updated on February 3, 2021.

Bloodshot Rising Spirit #2

$3.99 USD







Nailed it

  • It's a Bloodshot book

Needs work

  • Repetitive story telling
  • Focus is not on the character but the jargon
  • It's just not an interesting book

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