The Illusion of Privacy: Why using Linux and a Degoogled Phone may not completely safeguard your data

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I’ve written many articles on Linux and Degoogled Phones, most of them in a positive light. I’ve mentioned many times within some of those articles that nothing is bulletproof, 100% secure, and nothing is unhackable. While using Linux and a Degoogled Phone may increase your security profile, there are problems going this route as well. One of the traps new users can fall into is the illusion of privacy.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Linux and the Degoogled Phone; an Illusion of Privacy


In an era where concerns about online privacy are at an all-time high, many individuals are seeking ways to reclaim control over their personal data. As a response, some have turned to alternative operating systems like Linux and smartphones that have been “degoogled” – stripped of Google’s proprietary services. While these choices may seem like logical steps toward enhancing privacy, it’s crucial to recognize that they do not provide an absolute shield against data collection and surveillance. In this article, we’ll explore the limitations of relying solely on Linux and degoogled phones to protect your privacy, so you don’t fall into an illusion of privacy.

Incomplete Disassociation from Big Tech

While using Linux as your operating system and a degoogled phone can reduce your dependence on tech giants like Microsoft and Google, it does not entirely sever your ties to them. Many Linux distributions still rely on components from these tech giants, such as drivers and firmware for hardware. Additionally, alternative app stores and services available on degoogled phones may have their own privacy concerns or dependencies on other tech companies.

App Dependency and Data Sharing

Switching to a degoogled phone may lead to a false sense of privacy, as many apps – even those from third-party sources – continue to collect and share user data. Apps often rely on various APIs and libraries that connect them to servers controlled by companies interested in gathering user information. While you may avoid Google’s ecosystem, your data could still be flowing to other entities without your knowledge or consent.

Degoogled smartphones The Illusion of Privacy: Why using Linux and a Degoogled Phone may not completely safeguard your data
The Librem5 is a popular Degoogled Phone

Limited Ecosystem and Compatibility

Using Linux and a degoogled phone can sometimes limit your access to certain apps and services that are widely used. Some apps are specifically designed for the Android or iOS ecosystems and may not have alternatives available for degoogled phones. This limitation can lead users to make privacy-compromising choices, such as reverting to their previous devices or using less privacy-conscious alternatives.

Hardware Vulnerabilities

Privacy concerns extend beyond software. Hardware vulnerabilities can also compromise your data security. Many degoogled phones still rely on hardware components from manufacturers with dubious data practices. Even if you remove Google services from your device, the hardware itself could potentially contain backdoors or vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors.

User Behavior and Social Engineering

No operating system or phone can protect against the vulnerabilities stemming from user behavior. Phishing attacks, social engineering, and other tactics used by cybercriminals can compromise your data regardless of the software or hardware you use. The human element remains a significant factor in privacy breaches.

Network Surveillance and Metadata

While using Linux and a degoogled phone can help limit the data collected by large corporations, they cannot protect against broader network surveillance and metadata collection. Internet Service Providers (ISPs), government agencies, and other entities can still track your online activities and gather metadata, even if you have taken steps to minimize data collection by tech giants.

DeGoogled Pixel 3 XL CalyxOS The Illusion of Privacy: Why using Linux and a Degoogled Phone may not completely safeguard your data
DeGoogled Pixel 3 XL CalyxOS


While the use of Linux and degoogled phones can contribute to a more privacy-conscious digital experience, it’s important to recognize their limitations. You don’t want to fool yourself into an illusion of privacy. These alternatives may reduce your exposure to certain data collection practices, but they cannot offer a foolproof solution to the complex and multifaceted issue of online privacy.

To truly safeguard your personal data, a comprehensive approach that combines technology literacy, cautious online behavior, and an understanding of the broader digital landscape is essential. Another way to safeguard data is to interact online anonymously, but know that the minute you connect anything to your real identity (banking apps, Amazon, Netflix, etc.), that data will be collected.

The last word; part of my job as a reviewer is to look at something from multiple viewpoints. More often than not, the regular user is caught up in a bubble that doesn’t allow them to listen to dissenting opinions. I do think that switching to Linux and a Degoogled Phone will increase your odds of avoiding privacy issues, but it’s not foolproof, and that is how some evangelists portray it. Knowing what to expect when jumping into something new is half the battle.

What do you think of Linux and Degoogled Phones? Do you think these solutions offer excellent privacy tools? Or is it just an illusion of privacy? Please share your thoughts on any of the social media pages listed below. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network. Be sure to subscribe to our RUMBLE channel as well!


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